subur makmur bahasa Inggris
- subur: exuberant; fertil; fertile; lush; prolific; rich;
- makmur: affluent; flourish; prosperous; thrive; abound;
- makmur: affluent; flourish; prosperous; thrive; abound; well-heeled; productive; peace of mind; plenitude; golden; halcyon; fertile; grand; repose; plentitude; sumptuous; gilded; well-off; serenity; peacefu
- dengan subur: luxuriantly
- hilal subur: fertile crescent
- kembang subur: lush; green; full
- lahan subur: arable land
- subur (tanah: fertile
- subur/rimbun: dipsomaniac; alcoholic
- tanah subur: rich soil
- tidak subur: barren; infertile; unfruitful
- tumbuh subur: thrived; thriving; throve; towering; roaring; successful; efflorescent; frim; palmy; flourishing
- wilayah subur: fertile area
- dengan makmur: opulently; prosperously
- Pompeii was a thriving metropolis A place of wealth and abundance.
Pompeii adalah kota besar yang subur makmur Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi.